A Victorian Power Shift: Jacinta Allan Ascends as Daniel Andrews' Successorwordpress,Victorianpolitics,powershift,JacintaAllan,DanielAndrews,successor
A Victorian Power Shift: Jacinta Allan Ascends as Daniel Andrews' Successor

A Victorian Power Shift: Jacinta Allan Ascends as Daniel Andrews’ Successor

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Victorian Labor Party Faces Factional “Terrorism” Amid Power Shift


The recent power shift within the Victorian Labor Party has left party unity in doubt, as insiders describe the move as an “act of absolute terrorism” and a blow to stable government. Ben Carroll, a member of the Right faction, made a last-minute power play to become deputy to premier-elect Jacinta Allan, replacing Treasurer Tim Pallas. The internal struggle for leadership has raised concerns about the future of the party and its ability to govern effectively. This article examines the implications of the power shift and explores the underlying factional dynamics within the Victorian Labor Party.

Internal Turmoil and Factional Politics

The caucus meeting of Labor MPs, which lasted for two-and-a-half hours, exposed deep divisions within the party. The move by Ben Carroll to contest the leadership against Jacinta Allan was seen by some as a strategic ploy to secure the role of deputy leader. The tactics employed by the Right faction were described as “brutal” and characterized as an act of terrorism, leading to a breakdown in party unity. The Left faction, which holds a significant majority of the party’s MPs, was forced to acquiesce to the Right’s demands, resulting in a leadership that lacks cohesion and mutual trust.

The Impact on Party Unity and Effective Governance

The power struggle within the Victorian Labor Party raises questions about the stability and effectiveness of the new government. The internal divisions have damaged the perception of a united party and could undermine its ability to govern in a cohesive manner. The act of “terrorism” committed by the Right faction has left scars that may take time to heal, and the personal animosity between the newly appointed leaders is a cause for concern. A lack of trust and mutual respect between the premier-elect and her deputy could hinder decision-making and compromise, leading to a potentially turbulent period for the Victorian government.

The Role of Factionalism in Australian Politics

Factional politics has long been a hallmark of Australian political parties, and the Victorian Labor Party is no exception. Factions play a crucial role in party dynamics and the allocation of power within parties. However, when factional interests take precedence over the common good and party unity, it can undermine the democratic principles upon which our political system is built.

The “Glass Cliff” Phenomenon

The appointment of Jacinta Allan as Victoria’s next premier is reminiscent of the phenomenon known as the “glass cliff.” This term refers to the practice of appointing women to leadership positions during times of crisis or instability. While this may be a positive step towards gender equality, it also places the burden of navigating difficult circumstances on the shoulders of female leaders. They often face heightened scrutiny and criticism, leading to increased challenges in achieving success.

Editorial: Restoring Unity and Ensuring Effective Governance

The Way Forward

In order to restore party unity and ensure effective governance, the Victorian Labor Party must address the underlying factionalism that has led to this power struggle. It is crucial for party leaders to engage in open dialogue, fostering an environment of trust and collaboration. The interests of the party and the people of Victoria should take precedence over individual ambitions and factional rivalries. Only through genuine cooperation and consensus-building can the party move forward and deliver on its promises to the electorate.

Party Reform

This recent power shift should serve as a wake-up call for the Victorian Labor Party to reevaluate its internal structures and processes. Party reform, including the implementation of transparent and merit-based leadership selection processes, can help diminish the influence of factionalism and restore faith in the party’s ability to govern. By creating a more inclusive and accountable political culture, the party can attract a wider range of talent and foster greater unity within its ranks.

Advice for Premier-elect Jacinta Allan

As the newly elected premier, Jacinta Allan must navigate the challenging task of leading a divided party. To overcome the current animosity and establish a cohesive leadership, she should prioritize open and honest communication with her deputy, Ben Carroll. Building a foundation of trust and respect will be essential in fostering collaboration and effective decision-making. Additionally, engaging with party members and voters directly, outlining a clear vision for the government’s agenda, and delivering on key promises will help restore public confidence and rebuild the party’s reputation.


The power shift within the Victorian Labor Party has exposed deep divisions and raised concerns about party unity and effective governance. The tactics employed during this leadership contest have been described as an act of terrorism, highlighting the need for party reform and a more inclusive political culture. Premier-elect Jacinta Allan faces a significant challenge in leading a divided party, but by prioritizing communication, unity, and delivering on promises, she can pave the way for a successful government that serves the people of Victoria.


A Victorian Power Shift: Jacinta Allan Ascends as Daniel Andrews
<< photo by ALLAN LAINEZ >>
The image is for illustrative purposes only and does not depict the actual situation.

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