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Arnold Schwarzenegger's Post-Heart Surgery Isolation

Arnold Schwarzenegger’s Post-Heart Surgery Isolation

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Arnold Schwarzenegger’s Reflection on His Past Hollywood Career Flop

The Hurt of Failure

In his three-part docuseries titled “Arnold,” released on Netflix, Arnold Schwarzenegger shared a profound experience that he had when his 1993 film “Last Action Hero” was released in the cinema. It was his first big flop as a movie star, which eventually affected his self-esteem and image. “When Last Action Hero came out, I had reached my peak after Terminator 2, having the most successful movie of the year worldwide. I cannot tell you how upset that I was,” he recounted. “It hurts you. It hurts your feelings. It’s embarrassing.”

Schwarzenegger’s words describe the overpowering emotional turmoil that individuals feel after experiencing failure. As a public figure, he had to face criticism from both his fans and skeptics, which significantly impacted his reputation and brand. The sadness and despondency that we experience can be challenging to handle, especially when our confidence and aspirations are at stake.

The Process of Moving Forward

Arnold’s account of his rollercoaster ride provides some insight into how individuals can deal with negative experiences. He admitted that after the disappointing response to Last Action Hero, he stayed in isolation for a week and refused to see anyone. However, he was ultimately able to ‘plod along’ his acting journey and move forward with his career. According to him, his mother-in-law shared an essential message with him when faced with difficult conditions, “Let’s just move forward.”

Schwarzenegger’s message is an inspiration for those who have experienced significant disappointment. The only constant in life is change, ergo, individuals should work on taking the failures with the successes and continue to forge their path. For instance, when Schwarzenegger’s brother-in-law suggested that he should watch the 1991 French comedy adventure, “La Totale,” he found inspiration for creating his next film, “True Lies,” which went on to be a huge success.

The Life Lesson

Schwarzenegger’s recovery from failure provides an insight that philosophy reflects on: life follows a certain rhythm, which depends on the perception of the individual. Schwarzenegger says, “It’s a play. Life is a play. You have to be able to take the failures with the successes. And that’s just the way it is.” Life may have many twists and turns, and failure is an inevitable reality to face. However, one should learn to confront difficulties, find new inspiration, and move forward to continue their journey.

Editorial: A Lesson to Learn from Arnold Schwarzenegger

Schwarzenegger’s journey teaches an important lesson that is essential in our current era. In contemporary society, failure is shunned and regarded as the ultimate end for any goal. Our youths are under enormous pressure to attain immediate success, causing them to forget the importance of perseverance.

The success of the past is the result of numerous failures, and failure is merely an opportunity to try again. In such a highly competitive age, people should aspire to adopt the trait of perseverance and embrace a growth mindset rather than simply giving up at their first setback.

Advice to the Public

Schwarzenegger’s experience teaches us that we should take risks and do the best we can to achieve our goals. However, when failure occurs, we must remember that life is filled with opportunities, and the option to move forward remains. One must learn from their mistakes, reconsider their approach, and continue to advance. To conclude, we must adopt the knowledge of Arnold Schwarzenegger and embrace failure as an opportunity to learn and grow.


Arnold Schwarzenegger
<< photo by Anete Lusina >>

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G'day, mates! I'm Greg Buckley, and I've been reporting here in the land Down Under for the last 15 years. I'm all about sports and culture, so if there's a footy match or an art exhibit, you'll likely see me there. Let's give it a burl together, Australia!

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