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"Bharat Takes Centre Stage: India's Government Reclaims Ancient Identity"

“Bharat Takes Centre Stage: India’s Government Reclaims Ancient Identity”

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India‘s Identity Debate: The Battle Between India and Bharat


In a move that reflects Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s Hindu nationalist party’s efforts to eliminate what it sees as colonial-era names, India‘s government has replaced the name “India” with the Sanskrit word “Bharat” in dinner invitations sent to guests attending this week’s Group of 20 summit. This change in nomenclature has sparked a heated debate over the country’s identity and historical legacy.

A Symbol of Slavery?

Proponents of the name change argue that “India” is a symbol of the country’s colonial past under British rule. They believe that using the name “Bharat,” an ancient Sanskrit word that dates back to early Hindu texts, is a way to reclaim India‘s Hindu heritage and assert its independence from its former colonizers. They see the change as a step towards shedding the remnants of a history they perceive as oppressive.

Eradicating the Colonial and Mughal Past

This is not the first instance of Modi’s Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) attempting to erase names associated with India‘s colonial and Mughal past. In 2015, the name of New Delhi’s famous Aurangzeb Road was changed to Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam Road, named after a popular former Indian president, after protests from BJP leaders. Last year, a colonial-era avenue in the heart of New Delhi, used for ceremonial military parades, was also renamed.

An Effort to Reclaim India‘s Hindu Past

Modi’s government argues that these name changes are part of an effort to reclaim India‘s Hindu past. By promoting Sanskrit words and eradicating names associated with foreign rule, they aim to strengthen the country’s cultural identity and revive its ancient heritage. For supporters of the BJP, this renaming exercise is seen as a reclamation of India‘s rich Hindu history and a way to reaffirm its independence from foreign influences.

The Opposition’s Criticism

India‘s opposition parties, however, have criticized the name change. They argue that while there is no constitutional objection to using the name “Bharat,” eliminating the name “India” would be a mistake. They believe that “India” has built up brand value over centuries and is recognized worldwide. Opposition lawmaker Shashi Tharoor has called for both names to be used, emphasizing the importance of preserving the historical legacy associated with the name “India.”

Disputes over Identity and Politics

The issue of “India” versus “Bharat” has taken on heightened significance due to the formation of a new political alliance called INDIA, which aims to unseat Modi’s BJP and win the national elections in 2024. The acronym INDIA stands for Indian National Developmental Inclusive Alliance. Since the announcement of this alliance, some officials within Modi’s party have advocated for using the name “Bharat” instead of “India,” further intensifying the debate over the country’s identity.

Editorial: Balancing Heritage and International Recognition

Preserving India‘s Diverse Heritage

India‘s rich history is characterized by a multitude of cultures, religions, and influences. From ancient civilizations to colonial rule, India‘s identity is a fascinating tapestry of diverse experiences. While it is crucial to acknowledge and celebrate the country’s Hindu heritage, it is equally important to ensure that other aspects of India‘s historical legacy are not neglected.

The Brand Value of “India

India” is a name that has been recognized and used globally for centuries. It holds significant brand value, representing a vibrant democracy, a rapidly growing economy, and a land of cultural richness. By completely dismissing the name “India,” there is a risk of devaluing the international recognition and associations that have been established over time.

A Balance of Dual Identities

Rather than completely abandoning the name “India,” a balanced approach would be to embrace both “India” and “Bharat” as part of the country’s identity. This would allow India to grant importance to its ancient Hindu heritage while also maintaining the international recognition and brand value associated with the name “India.”

Focus on Priorities

Amidst the name change debate, it is essential that the Indian government and its leaders prioritize the pressing issues facing the country, such as economic growth, social development, and environmental sustainability. While the discussion of identities and names is significant, it should not overshadow the urgent needs of the people.

Advice: Embrace History and Progress

Understanding the Complexity of India‘s Identity

India‘s identity is multifaceted and cannot be reduced to a single name or ideology. It is vital to recognize and respect the diversity of cultures, religions, and historical influences that have shaped the country. Embracing the complexity of India‘s identity will lead to a more inclusive and inclusive society.

Preserving Historical Legacy

Efforts to reclaim and celebrate India‘s Hindu past should not come at the expense of erasing other historical legacies. It is essential to preserve the stories, monuments, and names that represent different periods of Indian history. By doing so, India can create a more comprehensive narrative that reflects the richness of its heritage.

Focusing on Nation-Building

Rather than engaging in divisive debates over names, Indian leaders should focus on nation-building efforts that unite the country. Addressing socio-economic challenges, promoting inclusive growth, and fostering a sense of national pride should be the priorities. By focusing on these aspects, India can forge a path towards a more prosperous and harmonious future.

In conclusion, the debate over using the name “Bharat” instead of “India” reflects India‘s struggle to reconcile its historical legacy and cultural identity. It is crucial for Indian leaders to approach this matter with sensitivity, recognizing the importance of preserving the country’s diverse heritage while also maintaining international recognition and brand value. Ultimately, a balanced and inclusive approach that embraces both “India” and “Bharat” is necessary to navigate through this complex identity debate.


"Bharat Takes Centre Stage: India
<< photo by Abhinav Srivastava >>
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