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Block judges criticize couple's first room as a major disappointment

Block judges criticize couple’s first room as a major disappointment

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Block judges slam couple’s first room ‘fail’


During the premiere of this year’s season of The Block, one couple was on the receiving end of harsh criticism from the judges. Childhood sweethearts Steph and Gian struggled to meet the brief of creating a Toy Story-themed kid’s room, instead presenting a tastefully decorated hotel suite. The judges were unimpressed and called out the couple for not listening to the brief and failing to create a child-friendly space. This article delves into the details of the critique, provides analysis of the judges’ comments, and offers advice on how future contestants can avoid a similar fate.

The Brief

All five teams participating in The Block were tasked with designing a children’s room inspired by a Disney merchandise item. The winning team would have the privilege of choosing which of the five Hampton houses they wanted to renovate. The challenge was to create a space that captured the essence of Toy Story, with whimsy and playfulness.

The Judges’ Critique

When it was time to reveal the results, the judges examined the rooms created by each team. They were met with an icy Frozen-themed room, an intergalactic Star Wars room, and an impressive castle-inspired room. However, Steph and Gian’s Toy Story room fell short of expectations. The judges commented that it looked more like a sophisticated hotel suite than a child’s bedroom. They pointed out that a board game on the coffee table and a Buzz Lightyear figure on a high shelf were the only indications that it was supposed to be a kid’s room.

Missed the Brief

The judges expressed their disappointment with Steph and Gian’s failure to understand and fulfill the brief. They emphasized that previous contestants had sometimes veered away from the brief but that this was on another level. Neale Whittaker, one of the judges, even jokingly referred to their misinterpretation of “Buzz Lightyear” as “Bad Lightshade,” which shocked the contestants.

Architect’s Blunder

As an architect, Steph was expected to understand how to meet a brief. Neale Whittaker highlighted this, adding to the criticism directed at the couple. It was clear that the judges had high expectations for Steph’s design skills and were disappointed with the outcome.

A Last-Place Finish

Steph and Gian’s room received the lowest score of the night, earning them just 14 out of 30 points. In contrast, Leah and Ash’s castle-themed room scored 27 points out of 30, securing their victory. The stark contrast in scores emphasizes the judges’ dissatisfaction with Steph and Gian’s interpretation of the brief.

Analysis and Advice

This situation with Steph and Gian serves as a valuable lesson for future contestants on The Block. It highlights the importance of understanding and adhering to the brief provided by the judges. In this case, the couple failed to capture the whimsical and playful nature of Toy Story, instead creating a room that was more suited to adult tastes.

Don’t Forget the Theme

When tasked with designing a room inspired by a specific theme, it is crucial to embrace that theme fully. Steph and Gian missed the mark by opting for a more sophisticated and grown-up approach. Contestants should remember that the judges are looking for creative and imaginative spaces that cater to the theme of the challenge.

Consider the Target Audience

In creating a child’s room, it is important to keep the target audience in mind. Judges are looking for spaces that are child-friendly, fun, and engaging. Contestants should incorporate elements that children would enjoy, such as toys, colors, and interactive features.

Listen to Feedback

When receiving feedback from the judges, contestants should take it seriously and make adjustments accordingly. Steph and Gian defended their design choices, arguing that they created a room for a child to “grow into.” However, the judges’ feedback made it clear that they missed the mark and failed to meet the brief. It is important for contestants to be open-minded and willing to adapt their designs based on the judges’ critiques.

Learn from Mistakes

Steph and Gian’s misinterpretation of the brief should serve as a learning opportunity for future contestants. By studying past seasons, understanding the expectations of the judges, and paying attention to details, contestants can avoid making similar mistakes. The Block is a competitive show, and contestants must strive to meet or exceed the expectations set by the judges.


Steph and Gian’s first room on The Block received a harsh critique from the judges due to their failure to meet the brief and create a child-friendly space. This serves as a reminder to future contestants of the importance of understanding and embracing the theme while considering the target audience. Taking the judges’ feedback seriously, being willing to adapt designs, and learning from past mistakes are vital for success on The Block.


Block judges criticize couple
<< photo by Marios Potsis >>
The image is for illustrative purposes only and does not depict the actual situation.

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