"Boris Johnson's Alleged Violation of Ministerial Code: A Breach of Ethics or Dirty Politics?"ethics,politics,BorisJohnson,ministerialcode,violation
"Boris Johnson's Alleged Violation of Ministerial Code: A Breach of Ethics or Dirty Politics?"

“Boris Johnson’s Alleged Violation of Ministerial Code: A Breach of Ethics or Dirty Politics?”

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Boris Johnson Breaks Ministerial Code with New Daily Mail Job

Boris Johnson, the former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, has found himself in hot water once again, this time for breaking the ministerial code. Johnson failed to seek approval from the parliamentary authorities before taking on a new role as a columnist for the Daily Mail. The Advisory Committee on Business Appointments (Acoba), which monitors the activities of former ministers, stated that Johnson’s actions constituted a “clear breach” of the rules. The committee only received notification of his appointment half an hour before it was made public.

Ministerial Code and Acoba

The ministerial code requires ministers to seek advice from Acoba before taking up new appointments. This advisory committee ensures that there are no suspicions of impropriety when former ministers or senior officials enter new roles. However, Acoba does not possess any enforcement powers and can only issue public rebukes.

Labour deputy leader Angela Rayner criticized the toothless nature of Acoba and accused Johnson of taking advantage of a broken system for personal gain. She highlighted the need for stronger measures to hold MPs accountable when they breach the ministerial code.

Transparency and Accountability

One of the key issues in this case is the lack of transparency and accountability surrounding the actions of politicians. Johnson’s failure to seek approval from Acoba until the last minute raises questions about his commitment to following the rules and protocols that govern public office. The fact that Acoba has no power to enforce its recommendations or to punish those who breach the ministerial code further exposes the weaknesses in the current system.

It is essential for the public’s trust in the political system that there are stronger mechanisms in place to hold politicians accountable for their actions. Without such measures, the perception of a “broken system” becomes more prevalent, diminishing public faith in the integrity of their elected representatives.

Johnson’s Previous Violations

This is not the first time Johnson has found himself entangled in controversy regarding his post-ministerial activities. In 2018, he broke the rules by accepting a lucrative column with the Telegraph shortly after resigning as foreign secretary. Acoba deemed his actions “unacceptable” as he had not sought their advice beforehand. This column provided Johnson with a platform to criticize then-Prime Minister Theresa May’s Brexit plans and further his own political ambitions.

Philosophical Discussion: Ethics and Politics

The case of Boris Johnson breaking the ministerial code raises broader questions about the intersection of ethics and politics. Ethics in politics are crucial for maintaining the trust and confidence of the public. When politicians fail to adhere to ethical standards, it undermines the democratic process and erodes the social contract between the government and the governed.

Political ethics encompass various ethical considerations, including transparency, honesty, and accountability. Johnson’s actions in accepting the Daily Mail columnist role without seeking approval demonstrate a lack of transparency and an unwillingness to follow established procedures. This raises concerns about his commitment to ethical behavior and his understanding of the importance of upholding the principles of public office.

Furthermore, the lack of enforceable consequences for breaching the ministerial code calls into question the effectiveness of the ethical framework within politics. Without meaningful consequences, politicians may be tempted to prioritize personal gain over the interests of the public they serve.

Editorial: Strengthening Ethics in Politics

The recent incident involving Boris Johnson highlights the urgent need to strengthen ethics in politics. The ministerial code must be revised to include stricter enforcement and consequences for those who violate its provisions. The power of Acoba should be increased to ensure that its recommendations are followed and that politicians are held accountable for their actions.

Additionally, there should be greater transparency in the activities of politicians after they leave office. Currently, former ministers are not required to disclose their earnings in the register of members’ interests once they cease to be MPs. This loophole allows potential conflicts of interest and unethical behavior to go unnoticed. Requiring former ministers to continue declaring their income for a specified period after leaving office would enhance transparency and prevent any undue influence or suspicion of impropriety.

In summary, the incident involving Boris Johnson and his breach of the ministerial code raises important questions about ethics in politics. Strengthening the ethical framework within politics is vital for rebuilding public trust and ensuring the integrity of democratic systems. Without meaningful consequences and increased transparency, the public’s faith in their elected representatives will continue to be eroded.

About the author: is a current affairs commentator based in Australia. Through his work, he seeks to analyze and discuss pressing issues in Australian and international politics.


"Boris Johnson
<< photo by Polina Tankilevitch >>
The image is for illustrative purposes only and does not depict the actual situation.

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