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Can the BRICS Transform into a Global Trading Powerhouse?

Can the BRICS Transform into a Global Trading Powerhouse?

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Differences Among BRICS Members Emerge at Summit

Diverging Views on the Future of BRICS

At the recent summit of the BRICS group in South Africa, differences among the member countries – Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa – have come to the forefront. While Russian President Vladimir Putin called for BRICS to become a trading bloc representing the “global majority,” there is debate within the group about accepting new members and whether BRICS should become a geopolitical counterweight to the West.

Brazil’s President Luiz InĂ¡cio Lula da Silva emphasized that the group’s aim is not to compete with western institutions, stating, “We do not want to be a counterpoint to the G7, G20 or the United States. We just want to organize ourselves.” The White House also downplayed the likelihood of BRICS becoming a powerful and cohesive bloc, highlighting the diverse views among the member countries on critical issues.

Rethinking the Global Majority

In his recorded remarks to the summit, Putin attributed the volatility in global markets for food and other commodities to western sanctions. He argued that BRICS would be a force for fairness in international relations, operating on the principles of equality, mutual support, and respect for each other’s interests. Putin referred to BRICS as the “global majority,” reflecting the group’s representation of about 40% of the world’s population and a quarter of global GDP.

Expansion and Criteria for Membership

Despite the internal divisions, BRICS is considering expansion. More than 40 countries, primarily from Africa and the global south, attended the summit as observers and candidate members. Iran, Argentina, Saudi Arabia, Kazakhstan, Vietnam, Indonesia, Ethiopia, and Venezuela are among the countries expressing interest in joining BRICS. However, there is ongoing debate among the members about the extent of expansion and the criteria for membership.

Brazil supports the admission of Argentina into BRICS but has cautioned against rapid expansion that may dilute the group’s influence. India, on the other hand, has been cautious about expanding the group. The member countries will need to carefully consider how far to extend BRICS and how to define the criteria for accepting new members.

Alternative Financial Institutions and Currency

One area where there is expected to be common ground among the BRICS members is the discussion of alternatives to trading in dollars. The group may explore the creation of parallel financial institutions to the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund. However, the South African hosts have clarified that there will be no proposals for a common currency within BRICS as an alternative to the dollar or the euro.

Challenges and Divisions

Russia’s invasion of Ukraine presents a significant challenge and potential source of division within BRICS. Putin opted to speak at the summit via video due to an arrest warrant for war crimes issued against him by the International Criminal Court. The South African president, Cyril Ramaphosa, intends to use the meeting to address the Black Sea Grain Initiative’s revival and the return of Ukrainian children taken to Russia since the invasion of Ukraine.

Another unresolved tension that hinders closer integration of BRICS is the border dispute between China and India, which has escalated into physical altercations between their soldiers in recent years. These challenges highlight the complexities and differing national interests among the BRICS countries.

Editorial: Striving for Unity in Diverse Global Dynamics

The BRICS group, comprising Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa, faces the challenging task of finding common ground, forging unity, and leveraging their collective strength in an increasingly multipolar world.

While the vision of BRICS as a trading bloc representing the “global majority” may resonate with some member countries, it is vital to recognize that diverse perspectives and interests exist within the group. A careful balance must be struck between pursuing shared goals and respecting the autonomy of individual nations.

The ongoing debates about expansion and the criteria for membership underscore the need for clear and principled decision-making. The group must ensure that new members align with its core values, objectives, and capacity for cooperation, preserving the coherence and effectiveness of BRICS as an international entity.

Bringing together nations with different political systems, economic models, and regional interests inevitably poses challenges. However, challenges should not discourage dialogue and collaboration. Instead, they should serve as opportunities for open and honest discussions that foster understanding, trust, and mutual cooperation among member countries.

Advice for BRICS

To succeed in their ambitions, the BRICS countries should prioritize pragmatic cooperation and strategic alignment on key issues of shared interest. This requires a commitment to constructive engagement and a willingness to negotiate and compromise.

Additionally, BRICS should actively engage with the global community to demonstrate their constructive influence and contribution to global governance. By championing principles of fairness, inclusivity, and respect, BRICS can position themselves as a force for positive change in international relations.

Ultimately, the success and relevance of BRICS will depend on its ability to navigate the complexities of global dynamics, manage internal differences, and build shared solutions to global challenges. By embracing diversity and seeking common ground, BRICS can foster a more equitable and multipolar world order that benefits all its member countries and the broader global community.


Can the BRICS Transform into a Global Trading Powerhouse?
<< photo by Volha Hrysheuskaya >>
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