India, that is Bharat: A short history of the nation’s names, from the Rig Veda to the Constitution of India Introduction There has been speculation about a potential official change in the name of India to Bharat. Opposition politicians have shared images of an official invitation to a G20 dinner hosted by “The President of […]
India, that is Bharat: A short history of the nation’s names, from the Rig Veda to the Constitution of India Introduction There is speculation that the name of India may be officially changed to Bharat, leading to discussions about the history and significance of these names. While Article 1 of the Constitution of India uses […]
India‘s Identity Debate: The Battle Between India and Bharat Introduction In a move that reflects Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s Hindu nationalist party’s efforts to eliminate what it sees as colonial-era names, India‘s government has replaced the name “India” with the Sanskrit word “Bharat” in dinner invitations sent to guests attending this week’s Group of 20 […]