Why Daylight Saving is a Waste of Time | The Australian

The Debate over Daylight Saving: Is It Time for a Reassessment? The Purpose of Daylight Saving: Lost or Forgotten? Australian writer Richard Stanton recently penned an op-ed expressing his dislike, or some might say outright hatred, for daylight saving. Stanton’s disdain for this time-shifting practice is not a novel sentiment. Many individuals have grumbled about […]

“Ditching Daylight Saving: A Critical Look at its Benefits and Drawbacks”

The End of Daylight Saving: Rethinking Its Existence and Wind It Up Introduction Daylight saving has been a contentious issue in Australia since its introduction in 1971. While it initially came with promises of reduced power consumption, improved road safety, and more leisure time, the validity of these arguments has come into question in recent […]

1. “Time for a Change: Reconsidering the Relevance of Daylight Saving in Australia”

The Controversy Surrounding Daylight Saving in Australia Introduction Daylight saving has been a topic of contention in Australia for decades. What started as a trial in 1971 has now become a six-monthly regime that many Australians have come to dislike, and some even hate. The arguments in favor of daylight saving, including power consumption reduction, […]