The Cosby Chronicles: Unraveling the Case of Bill Cosby – A 60 Minutes Special Investigation

The Case Against Bill Cosby: A Shocking Revelation of Betrayal Introduction Bill Cosby, once beloved by millions around the world, has now been exposed as a sexual predator who allegedly assaulted over 60 vulnerable women. Cosby’s public image as a funny and caring family man was shattered when Canadian Andrea Constand came forward with her […]

Surfing the Waves of Defamation: ABC Abandons its Defence in Heston Russell Case

ABC Drops Defence in Former Soldier Heston Russell’s Defamation Case to Avoid Naming Source Background The Australian Broadcasting Corporation(ABC) has abandoned its defence in a defamation case filed by retired Special Forces Commander Heston Russell. The ABC sought to avoid revealing the identity of a journalist’s source, leading to the decision to drop its defence. […]