Smoky Skies: Hazard Reduction Burns Choke Sydney’s Eastern Air

Air quality ‘very poor’ in Sydney‘s east as smoke from hazard reduction burning settles in city Overview Sydney residents woke up to a blanket of smoke on Monday morning as hazard reduction burning took place across the city. The smoke, which settled in overnight, resulted from back-burning operations conducted in Holsworthy in the southwest and […]

Smoky Skies Over Sydney: The Lingering Consequences of Burn-off

Smoke Haze Engulfs Sydney: Lingering Consequences of Hazard Reduction Burns Introduction Sydney woke up to a blanket of smoke on Monday as a result of hazard reduction burns carried out over the weekend. The air quality in Sydney‘s east degraded to “very poor” conditions, prompting authorities to advise residents to stay indoors and close their […]