The Cinematic Revolution Down Under: Netflix's Triumph with Bird Box in AustraliaNetflix,BirdBox,Australia,CinematicRevolution,DownUnder
The Cinematic Revolution Down Under: Netflix's Triumph with Bird Box in Australia

The Cinematic Revolution Down Under: Netflix’s Triumph with Bird Box in Australia

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Netflix‘s Bird Box: Barcelona Expands the Bird Box Franchise, but Fails to Recapture the Magic

By | July 14, 2023


Is Bird Box a movie franchise? That is the question Netflix seeks to answer with its latest release, Bird Box: Barcelona. Serving as both a spinoff and a deep dive into the Bird Box universe, Netflix aims to replicate the success of the original film, which captivated audiences in 2018. However, it is unclear whether the original film’s appeal was due to its unique premise or Sandra Bullock’s star power during the holiday season. In a sea of Netflix thrillers led by movie stars, few have had the impact of Bird Box. Nevertheless, the sequel attempts to recreate the magic without Bullock, raising doubts about its potential success.

The Twist and Expanded Lore

Bird Box: Barcelona introduces a twist within the first 15 minutes that sets the stage for the film’s narrative. We follow Sebastián, a desperate father navigating a post-apocalyptic wasteland filled with unseen creatures that drive people to their deaths. However, Sebastián harbors a dark secret—he has seen the creatures before and perceives them as beautiful angels. This unique perspective offers an intriguing glimpse into the world of Bird Box from the point of view of those who pursued Bullock’s character in the first film. Unfortunately, despite the potential for a fresh storytelling perspective, the film ultimately falls back into familiar territory, relying on a larger body count and gruesome death scenes to drive its narrative.

Pace and Cast

Bird Box: Barcelona, written and directed by genre veterans David and Àlex Pastor, maintains a brisk pace, improving upon its predecessor’s occasionally sluggish storytelling. However, the film’s ensemble cast, while competent, lacks the star power of its predecessor. While the 2018 film boasted a lineup of talented actors, the 2023 edition features character actors and up-and-comers. Though these actors deliver solid performances, they fail to make a lasting impact and often feel like stock characters found in zombie narratives. This shift in casting may appeal more to genre enthusiasts but may not resonate with the mainstream audience who were drawn to the first film because of Bullock’s portrayal of a strong maternal figure.

A Film Divided

Bird Box: Barcelona struggles with its identity, torn between embracing its gore-infused instincts and shying away from excessive violence. The film showcases grisly death scenes reminiscent of campy horror flicks like The Final Destination series or M. Night Shyamalan’s The Happening. However, it ultimately disappoints gore enthusiasts by pulling back from the carnage it teases. This hesitation leaves the film feeling unsure of its target audience, torn between genre enthusiasts and those who were drawn to the original film’s suspense-driven narrative.

A Missed Opportunity and a Tedious Ending

Despite its attempts to expand the Bird Box universe, Bird Box: Barcelona fails to captivate audiences. The film’s third act becomes a tedious retread of the first film, offering little new material and culminating in a cliffhanger ending hinting at more Bird Box spinoffs. While this may be optimistic for the future of the franchise, it leaves viewers underwhelmed and unlikely to embrace further installments.


Bird Box: Barcelona, while attempting to capitalize on the success of the original film, falls short of recapturing the magic that endeared audiences to Bird Box. Its reliance on gruesome death scenes and a twist that fails to propel the story forward ultimately leave the film feeling disjointed and unsure of its purpose. With a cast that lacks the star power of its predecessor and a narrative that treads familiar ground, Bird Box: Barcelona fails to resonate with audiences and risks alienating viewers who were drawn to the original film for its tense atmosphere and Sandra Bullock’s compelling performance. In the end, Bird Box: Barcelona is a missed opportunity for Netflix‘s ever-expanding movie franchise.


The Cinematic Revolution Down Under: Netflix
<< photo by Thibault Penin >>
The image is for illustrative purposes only and does not depict the actual situation.

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G'day, mates! I'm Greg Buckley, and I've been reporting here in the land Down Under for the last 15 years. I'm all about sports and culture, so if there's a footy match or an art exhibit, you'll likely see me there. Let's give it a burl together, Australia!

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