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Unleashing the Power of Goodreads: Examining How Reviews Can Sink a Book Pre-Publication

Unleashing the Power of Goodreads: Examining How Reviews Can Sink a Book Pre-Publication

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When Goodreads Is Bad News For Authors

The Power of Reviews

Goodreads, a popular review and social media platform for book enthusiasts, has become an essential avenue for building readership and generating excitement for books. However, the site’s features that encourage conversation and engagement can also lead to negative consequences. The power of reviews on Goodreads can be weaponized, resulting in review bombing campaigns that can severely impact books, both in terms of publication and sales.

Review bombing occurs when a large number of users flood a book’s page with negative comments and one-star reviews, often without even reading the book itself. This form of harassment not only targets the work but also attacks the authors personally. It can be incredibly hurtful and frustrating for authors, as they face criticism for books that haven’t even been written or completed.

The Impact on Authors

For debut authors like Cecilia Rabess, who wrote “Everything’s Fine,” the effects of pre-publication review bombing can be particularly damaging. Rabess’s novel, which tells the story of a Black woman working at Goldman Sachs who falls in love with a conservative white co-worker, faced backlash and accusations of being anti-Black and racist. Despite some positive anticipation and media attention, the book had a sluggish start in terms of sales, with only 1,000 hardcover copies sold in its first 10 days.

Even established authors are not immune to review bombing campaigns. Elizabeth Gilbert, best known for “Eat, Pray, Love,” received negative ratings on Goodreads for her forthcoming novel, “The Snow Forest,” which is set in Siberia. The criticism focused on the insensitivity of setting the book in Russia while Russia was at war with Ukraine. Gilbert made the surprising decision to postpone the publication of her book, even before advance review copies were printed.

The Role of Goodreads

Goodreads, which was acquired by Amazon in 2013, allows any registered user to review or rate a book, regardless of whether they have purchased or read it. This policy has been a subject of debate, as it opens the door for review bombing campaigns against authors. While Goodreads has taken steps to improve its ability to detect and remove content that violates its community guidelines, the responsibility of maintaining the authenticity and integrity of ratings remains a challenge.

The impact of Goodreads reviews on Amazon’s decisions regarding book purchases is unclear. Amazon claims that Goodreads reviews and ratings do not influence its buying decisions, but the platform undoubtedly provides valuable data on readers’ preferences and behavior.

The Dilemma for Authors

Authors find themselves caught in a dilemma when it comes to Goodreads. On one hand, the platform offers opportunities for engagement and conversation about their work. On the other hand, it can lead to negative criticism and review bombing.

The fear of review bombing can discourage authors from engaging in public discussions or expressing their opinions online, for fear that it will provoke angry fans to retaliate with one-star reviews. Goodreads has become a necessary evil for some authors, who tread carefully to avoid negative consequences for their books.

A Call for Change

Authors, readers, and publishers have called for changes to the review system on Goodreads. Some argue for stricter policies that prevent non-purchasers or non-readers from reviewing books, while others suggest a moderation system to flag and remove suspicious reviews.

While it may be challenging for Goodreads to monitor and address every instance of abuse, there is a need for finding a middle ground that protects authors from harassment while allowing for genuine discussion and criticism.


Goodreads, as a platform, has the potential to be a valuable tool for authors to reach readers and build excitement for their books. However, the issue of review bombing threatens the integrity of the site and the well-being of authors. Stricter policies and improved moderation systems are necessary to ensure that the power of reviews on Goodreads is used responsibly and does not hinder authors’ success. In the end, a balance must be struck between the freedom of expression and protection against abuse in the online book community.

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Unleashing the Power of Goodreads: Examining How Reviews Can Sink a Book Pre-Publication
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