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Danushka Gunathilaka acquitted of rape allegations - A closer look at the investigation results

Danushka Gunathilaka acquitted of rape allegations – A closer look at the investigation results

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Sri Lankan Cricketer Danushka Gunathilaka Found Not Guilty of Removing Condom Without Consent

The Verdict

The District Court at Sydney’s Downing Centre has acquitted Sri Lankan cricketer Danushka Gunathilaka of removing a condom without consent during a sexual encounter with a Tinder date. Judge Sarah Huggett delivered the verdict, stating that there was no opportunity for Gunathilaka to remove the condom during intercourse as it was continuous. The judge also noted that the alleged victim’s evidence did not support her complaint and undermined her reliability as a witness.

The Allegations and Trial

The woman, whose identity remains undisclosed, accused Gunathilaka of various acts of aggression and violence, including slapping her on the buttocks, forcefully kissing her and bruising her lips, and choking her during sex. Initially, the police brought four charges against Gunathilaka, but three were later dropped. Throughout the trial, defense lawyers argued against the credibility of the complainant, pointing out inconsistencies in her story and suggesting that she edited her version of events to portray Gunathilaka as an aggressive person.

Judge’s Assessment of the Evidence

Judge Huggett found the complainant to be an intelligent witness who did not deliberately give false evidence. However, she noted that the woman was motivated by a desire to paint Gunathilaka in an unfavorable light. The judge further stated that the evidence presented during the trial weakened the credibility of the complainant and did not support her allegations.

The Impact on Gunathilaka’s Career and Reputation

Danushka Gunathilaka has vehemently maintained his innocence throughout the proceedings and has faced significant consequences as a result of the allegations. He has been on bail during the trial, unable to play international cricket or return to his home town of Colombo. Despite being found not guilty, the damage to Gunathilaka’s reputation and career may be lasting.


Stealthing and Consent

The acquittal of Danushka Gunathilaka raises important questions regarding the issue of consent and the controversial practice known as “stealthing.” The act of stealthing refers to the deliberate removal of a condom during sexual intercourse without the knowledge or consent of the partner. While the court found Gunathilaka not guilty in this case, it is essential to recognize that stealthing is a violation of consent and can have significant emotional, physical, and psychological ramifications for the victim.

Evaluating the Evidence

The judge’s assessment of the evidence and the complainant’s credibility raises valid concerns about the process through which such cases are handled. It is crucial for authorities to thoroughly investigate allegations, ensuring the collection and preservation of all relevant evidence. Additionally, the credibility of witnesses and their motivations should be carefully evaluated to ensure a fair trial for all parties involved.

Advice and Implications

Support for Survivors

It is essential to remember that this case is likely to have significant emotional and psychological impacts on the alleged victim. Support services should be made available to survivors of sexual assault, ensuring they have access to the necessary resources and support networks. It is crucial to foster an environment where survivors feel safe and encouraged to come forward if they experience any form of assault or violation.

Continued Dialogue on Consent

The acquittal of Gunathilaka serves as a reminder of the complexities surrounding issues of consent. It is imperative for society to engage in ongoing conversations about consent, educate individuals on the importance of clear and enthusiastic consent, and challenge harmful behaviors and beliefs that perpetuate sexual violence. This case should contribute to a broader dialogue about consent and encourage efforts to create a culture of respect and understanding.

Reviewing Legal Processes

The trial and subsequent acquittal of Gunathilaka shed light on potential flaws and shortcomings in the legal process. It is crucial for the justice system to critically evaluate its procedures, ensuring that investigations are thorough, evidence is handled accurately, and the rights of both the accused and the alleged victim are protected. Reviewing and improving legal processes can help to enhance the fairness and credibility of sexual assault trials.


The acquittal of Sri Lankan cricketer Danushka Gunathilaka brings attention to the complex issue of consent and the practice of stealthing. While the court found Gunathilaka not guilty, the case highlights the need for ongoing conversations about consent, support for survivors, and continuous review of legal processes. It is crucial for society to work towards creating an environment that respects and upholds the rights and dignity of all individuals involved in cases of sexual assault.


Danushka Gunathilaka acquitted of rape allegations - A closer look at the investigation results
<< photo by Kelly >>
The image is for illustrative purposes only and does not depict the actual situation.

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