Aussie Fans Delighted by Michael Buble's Higher Tour at RAC Arenamusic,concert,MichaelBuble,RACArena,Aussiefans
Aussie Fans Delighted by Michael Buble's Higher Tour at RAC Arena

Aussie Fans Delighted by Michael Buble’s Higher Tour at RAC Arena

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Perth Emerges From Entertainment Drought with Michael Bublé’s Higher Tour

After a long three years, Perth has finally experienced an entertainment revival with Michael Bublé’s Higher tour. The Canada-born singer left fans yearning for more, and the RAC Arena was packed to capacity with fans anticipating a brilliant performance.

The Concert Experience

The anticipation and excitement were palpable as crowds materialized from all over the city, even filling up the packed car parks around the CBD. Michael Bublé did not disappoint the Australian fans with his performance, which was nothing short of amazing. Concert-goers were left feeling good, wanting more, and dreaming of what the next tour might bring.

The audience was treated to a repertoire of Michael Bublé’s classic hits and songs from his latest album, Higher. While he belted out crowd favorites like “Feeling Good” and “Haven’t met you yet,” Bublé shared compelling, heartwarming stories that showed that he was not just performing, but connecting with his fans.

Overcoming Challenges

This concert was significant for Perth, which has experienced an entertainment drought for three years due to various reasons. Perth’s fans were excited to welcome Michael Bublé, which showed their eagerness to overcome the challenges posed by social restrictions and COVID-19.

The concert proved that life doesn’t stop even with the pandemic’s challenges, and performers have found innovative ways to continue entertaining their fans.

The Future of Entertainment

Entertainment has always been an essential factor in people’s lives as it provides an escape from daily routines and a chance to connect with others. Over the past few years, the entertainment industry has had to find new ways to adapt to the changing world due to technological advancements, pandemics, and global economic conditions. This has made it difficult for entertainers to connect with their fans, with some being unable to perform live.

Nevertheless, the Higher tour has given hope to the music industry as audiences react positively to live performances. It is essential to appreciate the efforts of artists who continue to find new ways of entertaining people despite the challenges.


The Higher tour was a night to remember for music fans in Perth, and we encourage other performers to follow Michael Bublé’s lead in bringing live entertainment back to the people. The entertainment industry has the power to bring people together and create a sense of belonging that is entirely unique. This is why it’s vital to find ways to continue providing live performances to fans worldwide.


If you are an entertainment enthusiast, it’s essential to support artists and performers by attending live performances. The Higher tour has shown how the music industry can adapt to challenging times, and it has given music fans hope for the future. Perth has shown the world that even with the challenges posed by COVID-19 and social restrictions, people can still enjoy life. By supporting the entertainment industry, we are investing in our well-being, both physically and emotionally, as well as encouraging the revival of an industry that has experienced tremendous losses.


Aussie Fans Delighted by Michael Buble
<< photo by anna-m. w. >>

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Patterson Fiona

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