Australia Decides: Voice Referendum Live Results - Mapping the Vote by Statewordpress,Australia,referendum,liveresults,mapping,vote,state
Australia Decides: Voice Referendum Live Results - Mapping the Vote by State

Australia Decides: Voice Referendum Live Results – Mapping the Vote by State

5 minutes, 18 seconds Read

LIVE Australian Voice Referendum Live Results

Stay up to date with the latest referendum results. Results are based on voting data from the Australian Electoral Commission. Follow live updates in our Australian Voice Referendum blog.

National Predicted Outcome

Votes counted: undefined%

Votes counted: undefined / undefined

Current National Results

National majority required for referendum to pass: 50% Yes

undefined No

Low Votes

Current State Majority Results

Showing which states have a yes or no majority based on the current vote count. Four states with a majority yes vote are required for the referendum to pass. Cross-hatching indicates low vote count.

Low Votes State Current State Result Map

Majority in four states required for referendum to pass. Cross-hatching indicates low vote count.

NT and ACT do not count towards state majority

Support for Yes (%)

Detailed State Results

Majority in four states required for referendum to pass

Yes (%)

No (%)

Territory Results

Territories do not count towards state majority

Read More

  1. What is the voice referendum? Your shareable guide for 14 October
  2. The yes pamphlet: campaign’s voice to parliament referendum essay – annotated and factchecked
  3. The no pamphlet: campaign’s voice to parliament referendum essay – annotated and factchecked
  4. The Indigenous voice campaign so far – in pictures

Keywords: Election, Australia, Referendum, Live Results, Mapping, Vote, State

It is a historic day for Australia as we are witnessing the progress of the Australian Voice Referendum. The referendum‘s objective is to determine whether Australians support the establishment of an Indigenous voice to parliament. As the votes are being counted, we are providing live updates based on data from the Australian Electoral Commission.

National Predicted Outcome

As of now, undefined% of the votes have been counted, out of a total of undefined votes. To pass the referendum, a national majority of 50% Yes is required. The current national results are yet to be determined.

Low Votes in Certain States

The current state majority results show whether each state has a majority in favor of or against the referendum, based on the current vote count. For the referendum to pass, a majority yes vote is required in at least four states. The map displays the current state results, with cross-hatching indicating a low vote count. It is important to note that the Northern Territory (NT) and the Australian Capital Territory (ACT) do not count towards the state majority.

Detailed State Results

We are eagerly waiting to see the detailed results from each state. The referendum requires a majority yes vote in four states for it to pass. The support for “Yes” is a critical factor, and we will update you as soon as more data becomes available.

Territory Results

It is important to highlight that the territories, including the Northern Territory (NT) and the Australian Capital Territory (ACT), do not count towards the state majority. Therefore, the referendum‘s outcome will be determined solely based on the results from the states.

Analysis and Interpretation

The Australian Voice Referendum holds immense significance as it aims to address the lack of representation and the historical marginalization of Indigenous Australians in the country’s political processes. The establishment of an Indigenous voice to parliament is seen as a crucial step towards reconciliation and true equality.

The referendum‘s outcome will have profound implications for the future of Australia. A positive result would signify a significant shift towards recognizing and valuing the unique perspectives, experiences, and wisdom of Australia‘s First Nations peoples. It would be a testament to the country’s commitment to inclusivity, diversity, and reconciliation.

On the other hand, a negative outcome would be a missed opportunity to rectify past injustices and ensure that Indigenous Australians have a meaningful say in the decisions that affect their lives. It would raise questions about the commitment of Australia as a nation to address the historical and ongoing issues faced by Indigenous communities.

Editorial: The Importance of an Indigenous Voice

The establishment of an Indigenous voice to parliament is an essential step towards achieving a truly inclusive and representative democracy in Australia. It would provide a platform for Indigenous Australians to have a direct say on matters that impact their communities, culture, and rights.

Indigenous voices and perspectives bring unique insights and wisdom, deeply rooted in the country’s ancient heritage. By ensuring their representation in the decision-making processes, Australia can move towards a more equitable and harmonious society.

However, it is crucial to recognize that establishing an Indigenous voice to parliament is just the beginning. True reconciliation and closing the gap between Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australians require comprehensive and sustained efforts in various areas, including health, education, employment, and justice.

Advice: The Power of Your Vote

As the referendum results are being determined, it is a timely reminder of the power that each individual holds in shaping the future of our nation. Your vote matters, and it is essential to engage in the democratic process.

To ensure an informed decision, we encourage every Australian to read the available resources on the voice referendum. The shareable guide for 14 October provides a comprehensive overview of the referendum‘s purpose and importance. Additionally, the annotated and factchecked essays in support of and against the referendum offer valuable insights into the arguments presented by both sides.

Follow the referendum‘s progress closely, and participate in discussions about its implications for our society. Regardless of the outcome, let us use this moment to reflect on the need for inclusion, equity, and justice for all Australians.

Keywords: Election, Australia, Referendum, Live Results, Mapping, Vote, State


Australia Decides: Voice Referendum Live Results - Mapping the Vote by State
<< photo by Edmond Dantès >>
The image is for illustrative purposes only and does not depict the actual situation.

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