Autism and Halloween: Embracing Inclusivity with the Blue Bucketautism,halloween,inclusivity,bluebucket
Autism and Halloween: Embracing Inclusivity with the Blue Bucket

Autism and Halloween: Embracing Inclusivity with the Blue Bucket

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Autism Blue Bucket: Improving the Trick or Treat Experience for Children with Autism


In a heartening development, a mother in the United Kingdom is advocating for the adoption of blue buckets during Halloween to help children with autism have a better trick or treat experience. Sophie Underwood-Jones, the mother of six-year-old Noa who has autism and is non-verbal, hopes that the blue bucket can signal to others that her son has autism and may not be able to verbally communicate or say ‘trick or treat.’ The idea of using blue buckets originated in the United States, where they are already used to symbolize that a child has autism. Underwood-Jones came across this concept through social media and was inspired to bring it to the UK.

Awareness and Acceptance

The use of blue buckets aims to promote awareness and acceptance of individuals with autism during Halloween. The buckets serve as a subtle indicator for households to understand that a child may have autism and may not be able to participate in the traditional way. By using the blue buckets, families like Noa’s hope to navigate Halloween without having to explain their child’s disability constantly. Underwood-Jones emphasizes the importance of accepting children and adults with autism without judgment or needing them to explain themselves.

Improving the Trick or Treat Experience

Noa’s mother has been taking him trick or treating since he was a toddler. However, she recounted some negative experiences where people accused her son of being rude because he couldn’t thank them for the sweets or say ‘trick or treat.’ These encounters had a profound impact on Underwood-Jones and prompted her search for a solution that could improve Noa’s trick or treat experience. The blue bucket offers a simple yet effective way to communicate Noa’s condition, allowing him to have a more inclusive and enjoyable Halloween. It can potentially spare children with autism from encountering misunderstandings and negative reactions while participating in the festivities.

Raising Awareness through Social Media

Sophie Underwood-Jones shares her family’s experiences and Noa’s journey with autism on social media, primarily on Instagram. By documenting their challenges and triumphs, she aims to raise awareness and create a supportive community. Underwood-Jones believes in sharing experiences and knowledge to help others while providing a space for families to connect and offer each other support. Her efforts align with the broader goal of nurturing understanding and empathy towards individuals with autism.

Support from the Education Sector

The initiative to promote the use of blue buckets has garnered support from the education sector. Bethan Morris Jones, the head teacher at Ysgol Pendalar special school in Caernarfon, has welcomed this campaign. The blue buckets provide an opportunity to educate others about autism and special educational needs without the need for lengthy explanations. By embracing the blue buckets, families can enjoy Halloween with their children, visit their local communities, and knock on doors without fear or apprehension.


The adoption of blue buckets during Halloween can greatly enhance the trick or treat experience for children with autism. It serves as a practical solution to signify that a child may not be able to verbally communicate or engage in the traditional way. By embracing the blue bucket initiative, communities can promote inclusivity and understanding of autism, creating a more welcoming environment for children and adults alike. It is an opportunity for society to demonstrate acceptance without judgment or the need for individuals with autism to constantly explain themselves. This small gesture on Halloween can contribute to building a more inclusive and compassionate society throughout the year.


Autism and Halloween: Embracing Inclusivity with the Blue Bucket
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The image is for illustrative purposes only and does not depict the actual situation.

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