India's Opposition Accuses Government of Attempting to Hack Phones: Apple Alertwordpress,India,opposition,government,hack,phones,AppleAlert
India's Opposition Accuses Government of Attempting to Hack Phones: Apple Alert

India’s Opposition Accuses Government of Attempting to Hack Phones: Apple Alert

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Apple Alert: Opposition Accuses Indian Government of Phone Hacking

Accusations and Response

Several Indian opposition leaders have accused the government of attempting to hack into their phones after receiving warning messages from Apple. Apple’s alert suggested that the recipients were being targeted by state-sponsored attackers, although it did not specify who these attackers could be. Federal ministers have dismissed the allegations as “destructive politics” but have committed to investigating the matter further. Around a dozen opposition politicians, including Rahul Gandhi and Shashi Tharoor, have confirmed receiving the message from Apple. Some journalists also reported receiving the alert.

Opposition‘s Response

The opposition has responded defiantly to the alleged hacking attempts, with Rahul Gandhi stating that they are not afraid and are willing to give their phones to the government. Congress leader Priyanka Chaturvedi criticized the selectivity of the message distribution, noting that only opposition members received the alert. Aam Aadmi Party MP Raghav Chadha connected the alerts to the upcoming general election, suggesting that they are part of an overarching pattern of repression against the opposition.

Government‘s Response

The government has denied any involvement in the alleged hacking attempts. BJP minister Rajeev Chandrasekhar confirmed that a colleague from his party had also received the alert and urged Apple to clarify the meaning behind the notification. The government has asked Apple to join the investigation and provide accurate information on the alleged state-sponsored attacks.

Apple’s Perspective

Apple’s support page for users explains that state-sponsored attackers are well-funded and sophisticated, and that their attacks evolve over time. The company aims to protect a small number of specific individuals and their devices. Apple does not provide specific details that could help attackers adapt their behavior in the future.

Expert’s Opinion

Technology analyst Prasanto K Roy suggests that companies like Apple use activity patterns to detect large-scale, coordinated malware attacks. While it is technically possible to attribute these attacks to a particular country or state-sponsored agencies, companies like Apple may choose not to assign blame to any specific actor.

Implications and Context

The alleged hacking attempts come in the wake of previous allegations regarding surveillance and privacy breaches in India. In 2019, WhatsApp filed a lawsuit claiming that Indian journalists and activists were among those targeted by Pegasus, a surveillance software made by Israeli firm NSO Group. NSO has stated that it only works with government agencies. Last year, the New York Times reported that India had acquired Pegasus from Israel as part of a defense deal in 2017, which the government has vehemently denied.

Threats to Democracy

These recent allegations of hacking raise significant concerns about privacy, freedom of speech, and democratic processes. If opposition leaders and journalists feel targeted and surveilled, it could undermine open discourse and hinder political opposition. Such actions can erode trust in democratic institutions and ultimately weaken the fabric of a democratic society.

Government Accountability

The Indian government needs to address these allegations seriously and strive for transparency in its investigation. It is crucial to identify any potential involvement in hacking attempts and hold accountable those responsible for breaches of privacy. A thorough investigation, conducted independently and without bias, will help restore public trust in the government and its commitment to democratic principles.


The alleged phone hacking attempts on Indian opposition leaders raise significant concerns about privacy, freedom of speech, and democracy. The government must investigate the matter impartially, ensuring transparency and accountability. In a democratic society, protecting individual privacy and ensuring open discourse are paramount. It is essential to strike a balance between national security and respecting individual rights. Only through a commitment to democratic principles can India maintain a robust and healthy democracy.


<< photo by Alex Knight >>
The image is for illustrative purposes only and does not depict the actual situation.

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