Millionaire Property Developer Urges for a 50% Surge in Unemployment: Examining the Implications and Controversieswordpress,propertydevelopment,millionaire,unemployment,surge,implications,controversies
Millionaire Property Developer Urges for a 50% Surge in Unemployment: Examining the Implications and Controversies

Millionaire Property Developer Urges for a 50% Surge in Unemployment: Examining the Implications and Controversies

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Millionaire Property Developer Calls for Drastic Increase in Unemployment to Boost Productivity


In a shocking statement made at the Australian Financial Review Property Summit, millionaire property developer Tim Gurner argued for a 40 to 50 per cent increase in unemployment as a means to increase productivity and address the housing crisis. Gurner, the founder of Gurner Group, expressed his belief that workers needed to experience hardship and be reminded that they work for employers, not the other way around. He specifically targeted tradies, claiming that they have pulled back on productivity due to high wages and advocated for a shift in their work ethic.

Controversial Claims

Gurner’s remarks have provoked a strong backlash from labor unions and industry experts. CFMEU National Secretary Zac Smith characterized Gurner’s statements as detached from reality, expressing disgust at the insult to hardworking laborers and stating that productivity and corporate profits have already surpassed wages for years. Smith’s response calls into question the validity of Gurner’s argument and highlights the need for a more nuanced approach to the issue.

Productivity and Unrealistic Expectations

While the call for increased productivity is understandable, suggesting a drastic increase in unemployment as a solution is not only impractical but also fails to address the underlying issues. Productivity is a complex and multifaceted concept affected by a range of factors, including workplace conditions, motivation, and skills development. Blaming tradies for the housing crisis and proposing unemployment as a means to force them into productivity demonstrates a profound misunderstanding of the dynamics at play.

Need for a Balanced Approach

Instead of targeting individuals and advocating for extreme measures, it is crucial to focus on comprehensive solutions that address the structural issues leading to low productivity. This includes investing in training and skill development, improving workplace conditions, and fostering a culture of innovation and collaboration. It is essential to engage all stakeholders, including employers, employees, and policymakers, to develop strategies that enhance productivity while ensuring fair and equitable working conditions.

The Role of Immigration and Housing

Gurner also called for increased immigration to fill the labor gap, but this proposal is not without its challenges. While immigration can contribute to a diversified and robust workforce, it must be accompanied by appropriate planning and infrastructure measures to prevent exacerbating the already existing pressure on housing. The housing crisis requires comprehensive solutions that address supply and demand imbalances, housing affordability, and sustainable urban planning.

The Broken Planning System

Gurner’s criticism of the planning system in Sydney is a valid concern that needs immediate attention. The current system has hindered development and contributed to rising property prices, exacerbating the housing crisis. Reforms in planning regulations and streamlined approval processes are necessary to facilitate the construction of affordable housing and meet the growing demand.


While Tim Gurner’s call for a significant increase in unemployment may have sparked contentious debate, it is essential to approach the issue of productivity and the housing crisis with a more balanced and inclusive perspective. Simplistic solutions that rely on unrealistic expectations and scapegoating individuals will only perpetuate division and fail to address the underlying challenges. Comprehensive and collaborative efforts from all stakeholders are necessary to promote productivity, improve the housing situation, and create a fair and equitable work environment for all Australians.


Millionaire Property Developer Urges for a 50% Surge in Unemployment: Examining the Implications and Controversies
<< photo by Dean Bennett >>
The image is for illustrative purposes only and does not depict the actual situation.

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