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Pies' Daicos Facing Giants' Fury after Late Concussion Scare

Pies’ Daicos Facing Giants’ Fury after Late Concussion Scare

4 minutes, 51 seconds Read
## Giants ‘disappointed’ as Daicos tackle forces late concussion test

### An untimely Head Injury Assessment for Brent Daniels hurt the Giants late in their loss to the Magpies

Greater Western Sydney coach Adam Kingsley has expressed his disappointment that Brent Daniels was taken from the field in a tense final quarter to undergo a Head Injury Assessment. The Giants lost their preliminary final to Collingwood by one point, with Daniels driven forward into the turf early in the final quarter in a Nick Daicos tackle.

Despite his comments, Kingsley said he had not seen the tackle himself, but was “sure we will” seek clarification from the AFL. “We were really disappointed to lose Brent Daniels to a HIA assessment that he passed, comfortably, in the last five minutes of the game, which hurt us around the ball, a little bit of leg speed, some overlap run, so that’s extremely disappointing,” Kingsley said.

The Giants had 21 more disposals – all handballs – than the Magpies, but were ultimately thumped in the clearances, down 18 overall and minus 14 in the second half alone. Kieren Briggs came into the game under an injury cloud after hurting his shoulder last week against Port Adelaide, but Kingsley said it was a midfield issue. “I don’t think the ruck was the reason we lost the clearances by minus 18. That was extremely disappointing to be able to do that,” he said.

Kingsley completes his first year as an AFL senior coach by taking GWS from 16th in 2022 to a preliminary final. “I’m certainly very proud of the group, their development, the way they fight and the way they hang in every game, the way they play to the last minute. They’re a really special group and we need to make sure we maintain that level and improvement,” he said.

“When it’s a one-point game, it can go either way. You can look at every little entry, every little instance where could we have saved a goal, could we have saved a point, could we have saved territory, and you go through all that. “And I’m sure our boys will replay all their moments in their heads for a long, long period of time. But that’s the nature of prelim finals, and the nature of losing by a point. “You lose prelims by that sort of margin, and it burns in your guts forever.”

The Giants will need to regroup and address their midfield issues if they want to make it to the grand final next season. The loss of Brent Daniels in the crucial final minutes of the preliminary final was a blow, as his speed and ability to win the ball in contested situations was sorely missed. The team must also address their clearance struggles, as being down 18 overall in such an important game is unacceptable.

As for the controversial tackle that resulted in Daniels being assessed for a head injury, it is clear that the Giants are not satisfied with the decision made by the officials. Coach Adam Kingsley has expressed his disappointment and mentioned that the incident did not seem to warrant a HIA assessment. Seeking clarification from the AFL on this matter is a reasonable request, as player safety should always be a priority.

Overall, the Giants’ journey this season has been admirable, going from 16th place in the previous year to reaching the preliminary final. Despite falling short in the end, there is optimism for the future. Kingsley’s leadership and the team’s fighting spirit should be commended, and it’s important for the players to maintain the level of dedication and improvement they have shown this year.

In the aftermath of this loss, it’s crucial for the Giants to not dwell on what could have been, but rather focus on the areas that need improvement and come back stronger next season. The disappointment of losing by such a narrow margin will linger, but it can also serve as motivation to work harder and strive for greater success. The Giants have shown potential, and with the right adjustments, they can become a force to be reckoned with in the AFL.


<< photo by dominik hofbauer >>
The image is for illustrative purposes only and does not depict the actual situation.

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