Scintillating Skies Down Under: Live Coverage of the 2023 Lunar Eclipse and the Harmonious Dance of the Hunter Moon1.LunarEclipse2.HunterMoon3.LiveCoverage4.SkiesDownUnder5.20236.HarmoniousDance
Scintillating Skies Down Under: Live Coverage of the 2023 Lunar Eclipse and the Harmonious Dance of the Hunter Moon

Scintillating Skies Down Under: Live Coverage of the 2023 Lunar Eclipse and the Harmonious Dance of the Hunter Moon

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Lunar Eclipse 2023: An Astronomical Spectacle

October 28, 2023

The night sky is set to dazzle us once again as a lunar eclipse takes place tonight. Unlike the recent “ring of fire” solar eclipse, this celestial event will be visible to all parts of the world where the Moon is above the horizon. The lunar eclipse is expected to occur between 1.06 AM IST and 2.23 AM IST on October 29, with the maximum eclipse happening at 1.45 AM IST when 12% of the Moon’s disk will be covered by Earth’s umbra.

Visibility and Livestream

Residents of India will be lucky enough to witness this lunar eclipse first-hand. For those who are unable to view it directly, Time and Date will be providing a live stream to ensure you don’t miss out on this remarkable event.

The Phenomenon of Lunar Eclipses

Many may wonder why lunar eclipses don’t happen more frequently if the Moon orbits the Earth every month. The reason lies in the alignment of the Earth, Moon, and Sun. The Moon’s orbit is slightly tilted with respect to Earth’s orbit around the Sun, causing eclipses to occur only about twice a year. Eclipse season, as it is called, happens approximately once a year when the Moon falls into the same plane as the Earth’s orbit around the Sun.

Tidally Locked and Upside Down

An interesting fact about the Moon is that it is tidally locked to the Earth, meaning that we always see the same side of the Moon. This is due to its rotation on its own axis matching the time it takes to complete its monthly orbit around the Earth. While this phenomenon may seem rare, it is actually quite common among large moons in the solar system. Additionally, the Moon will appear upside down to viewers in Australia and the southern hemisphere, while it will appear upside down to visitors from the northern hemisphere in the southern hemisphere.

What to Expect During the Lunar Eclipse

During the eclipse, observers will witness the gradual passage of the Moon into Earth’s umbra, the dark part of the planet’s shadow. The shadow will cover more and more of the Moon until the maximum eclipse at 1.45 AM IST, where approximately 12% of the Moon’s disk will be covered. After that, the eclipse will recede, and by 2.23 AM IST, a normal full moon will be visible again.

The Significance of the Hunter’s Moon

Tonight’s lunar eclipse also coincides with the full Hunter’s Moon. This full Moon follows the Harvest Moon and is named so because it traditionally signifies the time when leaves fall and deer are fattened, making it ideal for hunting. The term “Hunter’s Moon” was first recorded in the Oxford English Dictionary in 1710, and its significance is tied to the natural cycles and traditions of farming communities.


As we prepare to witness the cosmic beauty of the lunar eclipse, it is a reminder of the harmonious dance of our celestial companions. It presents us with an opportunity to appreciate the wonders of the universe and contemplate our own place within it. Whether viewing it in person or through livestream, take a moment to immerse yourself in this mesmerizing spectacle and be in awe of the natural wonders that surround us.


Scintillating Skies Down Under: Live Coverage of the 2023 Lunar Eclipse and the Harmonious Dance of the Hunter Moon
<< photo by Pascal Bronsert >>
The image is for illustrative purposes only and does not depict the actual situation.

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