“A New Era: Pope Francis Cements Legacy and Shapes the Church’s Future”

New Cardinals Appointed by Pope Francis Cement Church‘s Future Introduction In a significant move to shape the future of the Catholic Church, Pope Francis has appointed 21 new cardinals during a ceremony in St. Peter’s Square known as a consistory. These new cardinals, often referred to as the “princes of the Church,” are the Pope’s […]

“Prioritising the Pursuit of the Common Good: Insights from Pope Francis”

Pope Francis Emphasizes Community as Crucial in Socio-Economic Development Pope Francis has delivered a speech to members of the Centesimus Annus Pro Pontefice Foundation during their 30th-anniversary celebration. During the occasion, he highlighted the need to prioritize the “community” in all socio-economic development activities. The Foundation, which takes its name and mission from Pope St. […]