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The Future of Spider-Man 2: Insights from the PS5 Developer

The Future of Spider-Man 2: Insights from the PS5 Developer

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Spider-Man 2: <strong>PS5</strong> developer on stories, game length, and what’s next

Spider-Man 2: PS5 developer on stories, game length, and what’s next

By Andrew Rogers

BBC Newsbeat

Spider-Man 2, one of the biggest games of the year, is out on PlayStation 5 this week. Reviews have praised the action-adventure’s open world and technical leaps over its PS4 prequel. The PS5 exclusive, priced at £69.99 in the UK, has also reignited a debate about game-length, with its main story mission estimated at about 15 hours.

Debating Game-Length

But creative director Bryan Intihar tells BBC Newsbeat: “I feel confident in saying that it’s worth it.” Like the previous game, Spider-Man 2 takes place in a virtual New York City, and offers more side missions once you finish the main story. It’s estimated that completing the game’s main quest and its additional content will take roughly 40 hours in total. That’s in contrast to other major releases this year like Starfield and Baldur’s Gate 3, which can potentially be played for hundreds of hours. Some fans say they want more for their money, while others push back on the idea that longer is always better.

Bryan, from developer Insomniac Games, says the studio is aware of the arguments but his team is focused on making the game as good as it can be. “For us, it really comes down to the experience we want to deliver with the quality we want to hit,” he says. “Obviously, there’s a certain level of, ‘hey, someone’s going to spend this much money on a game’, so we want to give them the experience that’s worth it. “Our job is to make sure that you feel no matter how long it is, it’s worth that money, it’s worth that investment.”

The Power of Storytelling

As well as praise for the game’s graphics, combat, and open-world setting, most of the reviews have highlighted the quality of the story it tells. Bryan says his aim was to include themes players would connect with including grief, relationships, and growing up. He says this was possible because the game’s main characters, Peter Parker and Miles Morales, are relatable despite being superheroes.

“I love Tony Stark, but it’s hard to identify with a billionaire, right?” he says. “And look at Thor. Great hero, but it’s hard to identify with a god.”

The Future of Gaming

After years of work and the validation of “universal acclaim” on Metacritic, there is naturally curiosity about what Bryan Intihar will be working on next. “I can finally exhale,” he says. “And I will definitely be taking some time off and playing some other games. “This is probably one of the best years in gaming ever. I have a pile of amazing games I’m looking forward to playing.”

However, it appears that Bryan won’t be on a break for too long, as he and his team are already working on a new game based on the superhero Wolverine. As for another Spider-Man sequel, Bryan remains tight-lipped, saying, “We’ll see what the future holds.”

Overall, Spider-Man 2 for the PlayStation 5 has captured the attention of gamers and critics alike. Its success in delivering an immersive open-world experience, meaningful storytelling, and high-quality gameplay has solidified its position as one of the year’s most anticipated games.


The Future of Spider-Man 2: Insights from the PS5 Developer
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