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"Albo's Diplomatic Dance: PM's Jegging Adventure in Washington and Beijing"

“Albo’s Diplomatic Dance: PM’s Jegging Adventure in Washington and Beijing”

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Albanese’s Twin Trips: Balancing Act on US and China

The recent visits of Anthony Albanese, the Australian Prime Minister, to both Washington and Beijing have highlighted the delicate balancing act that Australia must perform in its foreign relations. With tensions between the United States and China escalating, Australia finds itself caught in the middle, attempting to maintain positive relationships with both superpowers. These twin trips have positioned Albanese as a conduit and sounding board for both President Joe Biden and President Xi Jinping.

AUKUS Deal and Australian Interests

During his visit to Washington, Albanese’s primary focus was on the AUKUS deal, which forms the core of Australia’s deterrent response to China’s growing power. This deal has not been without controversy, with some Australians fearing that it could draw the country into a conflict with China. However, it is important to note that Australia has always relied on the support of the United States in defending its waters and ensuring its security. The AUKUS deal presents an opportunity for Australia to strengthen its standing and enhance its independent capacity to defend its interests.

Balancing Bilateral Relations

Albanese’s visit to Beijing, scheduled for November 4, comes at a crucial time as President Xi Jinping prepares for his first visit to the United States in seven years. This presents an opportunity for Albanese to seek a reset in Australia-China relations and demonstrate that Australia can play a constructive role between the two superpowers. His visits to both countries will inevitably make him a conduit and sounding board for both leaders, allowing for dialogue and negotiation on critical issues.

Trust but Verify

During his meeting with President Biden, Albanese received counsel to “trust but verify” in dealing with China, echoing Ronald Reagan’s approach to the Soviet Union. This signifies a slight easing in the US stance towards China, despite recent threats to US allies such as the Philippines, whom Australia has pledged to support. It also highlights that while the US is currently focused on the Middle East, it remains a Pacific power and recognizes the importance of its alliances in the region.

Showing Australia as a Constructive Player

Albanese’s twin visits provide an opportunity for Australia to showcase itself as a constructive player on the global stage. By engaging with both the United States and China, Australia can demonstrate its willingness to work towards mutual beneficial solutions. The visits also allow Australia to present its advantages, such as critical minerals, to the United States in countering China’s lead in green technology. This highlights Australia’s potential to contribute towards global efforts in crucial sectors.

Editorial: The Path Forward

Australia’s foreign policy requires careful navigation amidst the evolving landscape of US-China relations. As a nation heavily reliant on both countries for economic prosperity and security, Australia must strike a delicate balance between maintaining strong alliances with the US and fostering constructive relations with China.

Investing in Independent Capacity

The AUKUS deal provides an opportunity for Australia to strengthen its independent capacity in defense and security. It is imperative for Australia to prioritize developing its submarine capacity, as it has historically relied on the United States for support in this area. By investing in its own capabilities, Australia can enhance its sovereignty and ensure the protection of its interests in times of crisis.

The Importance of Critical Minerals

Recognizing the significance of critical minerals, Australia should continue to capitalize on its efficient mining industry and stable, open economy. The US and Australia’s collaboration on critical minerals initiatives should not be seen as containment of China, but rather as a means to diversify the global supply chain and reduce dependence on any single country. However, it is essential for Australia to allocate funds appropriately, focusing on mineral extraction and processing rather than pursuing fanciful plans like battery manufacturing.

Navigating Geopolitical Challenges

Australia’s diplomatic engagement with both the United States and China requires careful navigation of geopolitical challenges. It is crucial for Australia to maintain an open channel of communication with both superpowers, acting as a mediator where possible and presenting itself as an honest broker in international affairs. By doing so, Australia can foster an environment of trust and cooperation, while safeguarding its national interests.

Australia: A Constructive Player

Australia must continue to demonstrate its commitment to being a constructive player in global affairs. This involves actively engaging in dialogue, offering solutions, and being open to collaboration with other nations. As a middle power, Australia has the opportunity to leverage its position by promoting peace, stability, and a rules-based international order.

Advice for Australian Foreign Policy

Moving forward, Australian foreign policy should focus on three key principles: independence, collaboration, and adaptability.


Australia must prioritize the development of its own capabilities and defense systems. This includes investing in critical sectors such as submarine capacity and critical minerals extraction. By doing so, Australia can enhance its sovereignty and ensure the protection of its national interests.


Australia should actively engage in collaboration with like-minded nations, particularly those who share similar concerns about China’s assertiveness. Strengthening alliances with countries such as the United States, Japan, and South Korea can provide a collective voice in advocating for shared values and interests in the Indo-Pacific region.


Given the rapid changes in the global political landscape, Australia must remain adaptable and flexible in its foreign policy approach. This entails actively monitoring and assessing emerging trends and developments, adjusting strategies accordingly, and seizing opportunities for engagement and collaboration.

In conclusion, as Australia navigates the complexities of US-China relations, it must prioritize the nation’s interests while striving for constructive dialogue and collaboration. By investing in its own capabilities, actively engaging with both superpowers, and demonstrating independence, Australia can navigate the challenges and position itself as a key player in the ever-changing global landscape.


<< photo by Thai Hoang >>
The image is for illustrative purposes only and does not depict the actual situation.

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Edwards Jake

G'day, I'm Jake Edwards, the man on the street. I've been crisscrossing this great country, bringing you the human stories that make Australia what it is. From interviews with local legends to the everyday Aussie battlers, I'm here to tell your stories. So let's yarn, Australia

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