Eclipse Extravaganza Down Under: Brace Yourselves for the Fiery Sun RingEclipse,Extravaganza,DownUnder,FierySunRing
Eclipse Extravaganza Down Under: Brace Yourselves for the Fiery Sun Ring

Eclipse Extravaganza Down Under: Brace Yourselves for the Fiery Sun Ring

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Annular solar eclipse will turn the sun into ‘ring of fire’ today


Today marks an incredible celestial event that will captivate skywatchers around the world – an annular solar eclipse. Beginning at 9:13 a.m. PDT, this extraordinary phenomena will sweep across the United States before heading across Central America and South America. During an annular solar eclipse, the moon passes between the sun and Earth, casting a shadow on our planet. This creates a breathtaking “ring of fire” effect, as the moon doesn’t entirely cover the sun’s disk, allowing a sliver of sunlight to illuminate the edges. It is an opportunity for both amateur and professional astronomers to witness the beauty and power of the cosmos.

Safety First: Viewing the Eclipse

While the annular solar eclipse promises a remarkable spectacle, it is crucial to prioritize safety when observing the event. Looking directly at the sun can cause permanent eye damage, so it is essential to use proper solar filters. Observers should wear solar eclipse glasses and ensure that cameras, telescopes, and binoculars have solar filters in place throughout the viewing experience. It is also important to note that this is the last solar eclipse of 2023, serving as a “warm up” for the highly anticipated total solar eclipse on April 8, 2024.

The Path of Annularity

Observers fortunate enough to be within the path of annularity, a 125-mile-wide (200 kilometers) track, will witness the awe-inspiring “ring of fire” effect. This path stretches from Oregon to Texas in the United States, then continues across the Gulf of Mexico and over Mexico, Guatemala, Belize, Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Panama, Colombia, and Brazil. The entire eclipse is expected to last approximately two and a half hours for those within the path of annularity. This consists of about 1.5 hours of partial solar eclipse, followed by four to five minutes of the annular eclipse, and finally another 1.5 hours of partial solar eclipse.

Duration of the “Ring of Fire”

For those specifically interested in the duration of the “ring of fire,” below is a list of selected locations and the corresponding local time and duration:
– Oregon Dunes, Oregon: 9:15 a.m. PDT, 4 minutes, 29 seconds
– Crater Lake National Park, Oregon: 9:17 a.m. PDT, 4 minutes, 19 seconds
– Great Basin National Park, Nevada: 9:24 a.m. PDT, 3 minutes, 46 seconds
– Bryce Canyon National Park, Utah: 10:27 a.m. MDT, 2 minutes, 31 seconds
– Canyonlands National Park, Utah: 10:29 a.m. MDT, 2 minutes, 24 seconds
– Mesa Verde National Park, Colorado: 10:31 a.m. MDT, 2 minutes, 57 seconds
– Albuquerque, New Mexico: 10:34 a.m. MDT, 4 minutes, 42 seconds
– Corpus Christi, Texas: 11:55 a.m. CDT, 4 minutes, 52 seconds
– Edzná Maya archaeological site, Yucatán Peninsula, Mexico: 11:23 a.m. CST, 4 minutes, 32 seconds

Scientific Significance

While the annular solar eclipse is a captivating sight for skywatchers, it also holds great scientific significance. This event allows atmospheric and heliospheric scientists a unique opportunity to study the sun’s outer atmosphere, known as the corona. With the moon blocking out a significant portion of the sun’s light, researchers are able to focus on this particular area and gather valuable data. This research will contribute to a deeper understanding of our sun and its impact on our planet.

The Current Solar Cycle and Future Eclipses

The upcoming total solar eclipses in April 2024 have scientists particularly excited due to their alignment with the current solar cycle. Solar cycles occur approximately every 11 years and are driven by the sun’s magnetic field. The current solar cycle, known as Solar Cycle 25, is expected to reach its predicted “solar maximum” in 2024. The combination of these eclipses and peak solar activity offers scientists an incredible opportunity to study the sun and its effects on Earth.


As the annular solar eclipse takes place today, skywatchers are in for a spectacular treat. The “ring of fire” effect, created by the moon casting a shadow on the sun, will mesmerize observers along the path of annularity. However, it is crucial to prioritize safety when viewing the eclipse, using proper solar filters and following expert guidelines. This event not only showcases the beauty of our universe but also provides a platform for important scientific research. As we gaze up at the sky, let us appreciate the wonders of the cosmos and our place within it.


Eclipse Extravaganza Down Under: Brace Yourselves for the Fiery Sun Ring
<< photo by yippy gippy >>
The image is for illustrative purposes only and does not depict the actual situation.

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G'day, mates! I'm Greg Buckley, and I've been reporting here in the land Down Under for the last 15 years. I'm all about sports and culture, so if there's a footy match or an art exhibit, you'll likely see me there. Let's give it a burl together, Australia!

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