"Why did Nawaz Sharif reignite the Kashmir dispute in his recent address?"nawazsharif,kashmirdispute,reignite,recentaddress
"Why did Nawaz Sharif reignite the Kashmir dispute in his recent address?"

“Why did Nawaz Sharif reignite the Kashmir dispute in his recent address?”

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Why did Nawaz Sharif rake up Kashmir issue in his speech after return to Pakistan?

Former Pakistan prime minister Nawaz Sharif, who recently ended his self-imposed exile in London, marked his homecoming with a mega rally in Lahore’s Minar-e-Pakistan. During the rally, Sharif raised the Kashmir issue while addressing his party workers. He also emphasized the need to have an effective foreign policy and ‘good relations’ with neighbors, without specifically mentioning India.

What does Nawaz’s comments on India mean?

During his tenure as Pakistan’s prime minister, Nawaz Sharif made attempts to reach out to India on two occasions. However, both initiatives were scuttled by the Pakistan Army. These instances include the Lahore bus trip in 1999, which was derailed by the Kargil war, and the visit of Prime Minister Narendra Modi to Pakistan in 2015, followed by the terror attack on Pathankot airbase in 2016.

Sharif’s recent comments on India indicate his desire to reach out once again. However, it is important to note that any new initiative with India would require permission from the Pakistan Army. Despite Sharif’s willingness, the Army holds significant influence over Pakistani foreign policy and decision-making.

Does the Pakistan Army want to make Nawaz Sharif the PM again?

The Pakistan Army is not comfortable with the idea of making Nawaz Sharif the next prime minister of the country. While his return may add to the vote bank of his party, Pakistan Muslim League (Nawaz), both the Army and Sharif have a common agenda of keeping Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) chief Imran Khan, who is currently in jail, permanently locked up and ensuring that he does not come back to power. Despite their discomfort, the Army recognizes the strategic importance of Sharif in countering Imran Khan and maintaining their own influence.

What do the Palestine and PoK flags at the Lahore rally mean?

During the rally, Nawaz Sharif expressed his intention to initiate dialogue with India on the Kashmir issue. However, India has made it clear that it is not interested in any kind of dialogue on Kashmir, except for discussions related to cross-border terrorism. After the abrogation of Article 370 and Article 35A, India believes there is nothing left to negotiate with Islamabad regarding Kashmir. The region is currently experiencing peace and is welcoming tourists.

Therefore, Sharif’s assertion that he aims to ‘resolve’ Kashmir through dialogue is considered delusional and merely an attempt to appeal to his domestic audience. It is important to note that neither Nawaz Sharif nor the civilian leadership of Pakistan holds significant influence, as the Pakistan Army plays a pivotal role in decision-making and is not interested in addressing cross-border terrorism in Kashmir.

Editorial and Advice

The Complex Dynamics of the Kashmir Issue

The Kashmir issue has always been a contentious topic between India and Pakistan. The region has witnessed years of conflict, numerous peace initiatives, and failed attempts at resolution. The recent comments made by Nawaz Sharif, while significant, need to be understood in the context of the complex dynamics surrounding the Kashmir dispute.

It is evident that Nawaz Sharif’s willingness to engage in dialogue with India on the Kashmir issue is a positive step towards potential peace talks. However, it is crucial to acknowledge the significant influence of the Pakistan Army in shaping Pakistan’s foreign policy decisions. Any progress towards resolving the Kashmir issue would require the Army’s support and cooperation.

The Role of International Diplomacy

International diplomatic efforts play a crucial role in facilitating dialogue between India and Pakistan on the Kashmir issue. It is important that the international community, especially major global powers, actively engage in promoting dialogue and encourage both countries to set aside their differences for the greater good of peace and stability in the region.

Furthermore, it is important for India and Pakistan to prioritize diplomacy and engage in meaningful dialogue aimed at addressing the root causes of the Kashmir issue, rather than resorting to provocative rhetoric or military actions. A peaceful resolution would require compromises from both sides and a genuine commitment to finding common ground.

Local and International Engagement

While the recent rally in Lahore showcased Nawaz Sharif’s intention to address the Kashmir issue, it is crucial to involve the local population of Kashmir in any dialogue or negotiations. Their voices and aspirations must be taken into account to ensure a sustainable resolution that reflects the wishes of the people directly affected by the dispute.

Additionally, international organizations and human rights groups should closely monitor the situation in Kashmir and advocate for the protection of human rights, as well as the promotion of democratic processes, in the region. Such engagement can contribute to building trust and fostering an environment conducive to dialogue.

The Road Ahead

Resolving the Kashmir issue requires sustained efforts from both India and Pakistan, as well as the active support of the international community. It is essential for all parties involved to approach the issue with openness, flexibility, and a genuine commitment to finding a peaceful resolution.

While Nawaz Sharif’s comments have sparked renewed interest in the Kashmir issue, it is important to recognize the complexities involved and avoid making any premature assumptions about the potential outcomes. Dialogue, diplomacy, and a focus on the well-being and aspirations of the people of Kashmir should be the guiding principles in any future engagement on the issue.


"Why did Nawaz Sharif reignite the Kashmir dispute in his recent address?"
<< photo by Renzo D’souza >>
The image is for illustrative purposes only and does not depict the actual situation.

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